Monday, November 11, 2019

Learn to say NO at work

This may sound a bit weird to some but saying “NO” at work is acceptable. People think that saying “NO” for work could come out as disrespectful and could lead to problems. But the thing most people don’t understand is that, to be successful, one must put in all of his/her efforts on what has to be done, rather than adding more and more work to their lists.

The real dilemma whether to say no or yes tends to depend on the fear of disappointing someone. It is important to know when and in what manner to say no before you become puzzled and overwhelmed with the work you now have which you should have declined or scheduled back to a later date. If you wish to decline some work without being disrespectful and blunt, follow this procedure:

Carefully analyse the situation by thinking it through:

In the corporate sector no one will ever force you to answer straight away their call for help with a new project. When dealing with such situations when you are asked to help out a colleague or your boss with a new assignment which is unrelated to you, you need to take your time before you give them your final answer. A simple solution to get out of that situation is to tell them that you need to check your schedule and that you will revert back to them as soon as possible.

Take that time to analyse the situation. You need to ask yourself, whether or not you even have the time to get yourself indulged in this new project. Also, you need to see if this new project is not going to interfere in your daily list of goals to accomplish. After answering these questions, if you feel that you already have a lot on your plate, then you know what to tell them. But if you see your calendar freeing up in the close future, then it won’t hurt to help.

Saying NO!

You need to be very careful when saying no to your boss or colleagues. You need to pick and choose your words very carefully; you do not want to come out as rude or disrespectful in any manner. First order of business is to personally approach the person’s desk, emails and messages lack tones and hence can be interpreted in a wrong way. Now calmly explain why you can’t participate in the project and avoid being passive-aggressive by telling them how much work you already have. It is always considered polite if you share your schedule and current priorities, explaining why it is important to get your personal projects done.

While rejecting the new tasks, always maintain proper body language and tone of voice. The littlest of actions and phrases can tip a person off. If you wish to maintain healthy relationships with your co-workers and boss, then you need to be vigilant of these minor aspects of communication.

Offering alternatives:

If you manage to say no and your colleague or boss respects your decision, the least you can do is to provide them with some solutions. To make things less awkward, you can offer alternatives, you could ask a fellow co-worker to help if they are free. Or you could set a future date where you have the time to do your part in the assignment. Being frank and respectful is always admired, but don’t confuse frankness with being blunt. Cause today it might be them asking for assistance, but the next time it could be you who is asking for help.

The cold fact is that most people almost always say yes, even when they themselves are swamped with personal projects and assignments. They fear being perceived as incapable and a person with no team-spirit. Women in such cases are especially exploited due to their caring and kind attitude. And they are mostly the ones who need to understand the importance of saying “NO” at work.

Turacoz Foundation believes that people should always be free to make choices that are most suitable to them. They should not work under any sort of pressure of always saying “yes” to everything. We at Turacoz suggest that you should pre-plan every week of your work, noting down all the projects and assignments that need to be submitted and setting priorities to those works. The great Steve Jobs once said,” Focusing is about saying NO”. If you wish to be successful, you have to put in 100% into the work you are doing. Don’t lose focus!

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